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Meet Dr. Heather Shaw

Relief for More than Back Problems

Dr Heather photoWhat do you mean go see a chiropractor for anything besides a back problem? My little sister had recurrent ear infections and we were advised to see a chiropractor by a friend. After many bouts of infections and antibiotics, we decided to give it a try.

It turns out her upper neck was out of place causing irritation. An adjustment from the local chiropractor helped alleviate her symptoms. Who knew?

Drawn to Chiropractic

I knew I wanted to help people after watching my father suffer from the effects of colon cancer. I was really drawn to chiropractic after starting my first year in graduate school for neurology. At that time, I had to take my aunt to her chiropractor for a migraine as she was unable to drive. The chiropractic adjustment cleared up her headache almost instantly, and I knew I needed to find out more.

The chiropractor explained the nervous system can be irritated by misalignments of the vertebrae, and my aunt had problems in her upper neck. I enjoyed the fact that he took time to speak with me and didn’t rush me out of the office.

I realized that, through chiropractic, I could help people by taking a natural approach to health care, listening to people’s concerns and assisting them in healing.

A Chiropractic Education

I went to Northwestern College of Chiropractic in MN and graduated in 1991. I was surprised at the intense level of training. I had already received a Bachelor of Science in biology and attended graduate school, so I wrongly thought I already knew a lot. My ego was quickly deflated with the first trimester of 36 credits. While challenging, I loved learning anatomy, radiology and chiropractic.

I went to school not knowing how effective chiropractic care was for things besides back pain. To this day, I am amazed at the power of the nervous system and spine on healing and how chiropractic taps into this power not only for pain but optimal functioning of the body.

I recently have been doing advance training in clinical nutrition and have found it has brought my patients’ health to a higher level. People are now holding their adjustments longer just by giving their body the proper nutrients to strengthen their muscles and ligaments!

I am also currently an Associate Professor at Palmer Chiropractic College in the out patient clinic.  I absolutely love sharing my knowledge with the students and assisting them to be the best chiropractors possible.

Helping You Achieve Greater Health

My primary goal is to get your body working at its optimum pain-free! My secondary goal is to teach you about your body. After all, it’s the only one you will get. I can assist you in finding the things you may be doing that are causing back problems and then my job is to start the healing process and restore function to the spine. Together, we can help you achieve a better state of health; it is extremely important to work as a team. My patients definitely appreciate knowing how to take care of themselves on a daily basis.

My Health Care Regimen

I receive chiropractic adjustments typically every two weeks. You can imagine I have a pretty physical job, and I find this keeps me in the best shape. I have also surrounded myself with other practitioners who complement chiropractic. I have massage therapists and personal trainers in my office whose services I take part in regularly. I also receive regular acupuncture treatments to restore my energy and ground myself.  I have found Pilates to be helpful to keep my core in shape and do it weekly.

Dedicated to Family and Community

I grew up in New Jersey with six siblings. We struggled financially but always felt safe and loved. The kindness of strangers has helped my family through some tough times. Now, I feel very blessed with a career I love and am surrounded by family and friends. I have not forgotten the tough times, and I have dedicated myself to giving back to our community. Our clinic holds a minimum of two events a year where we dedicate our services in exchange for donations to local needy organizations.

We recently celebrated our 19th year of donating school supplies to a local school and were honored to receive the George and Donna Burdick Business Award from the Mission City Community Fund!

Schedule Your Appointment

Discover better health naturally. Contact us to schedule an appointment!


Dr. Heather Shaw | (408) 249-0382